Long ago…well in 1873 to be exact, several hundred people came together and the town of Richardson, Texas was born. Decades later, 80,000 plus come here daily just to work. There’s no end to the number of opportunities to make new friends! And there’s no better place to make them than at Good Union Urban BBQ, some of the best DFW BBQ.

What is it about BBQ? First of all, you know you’re in for some good grub. Try this with a friend – “Hey, you wanna grab a beer and a burger?” Watch their face, they’re deciding just how hungry they are and just how much effort they want to put into getting some food. Now try “Wait, let’s do BBQ instead.” Ha! Now see that slight nod, hint of a smile and keys suddenly in their hand? And, you’re out the door…

Everything about BBQ invites getting together with friends. Anyone who has ever smoked their own meats knows that it’s a very time-consuming process and you don’t go through it all just to make one chicken! No, you perfect your recipes, find the best meats, plan out your day – your whole day, and load up the smoker. And then the fun begins!

Now not all of us have a full day dedicated to perfecting the art of smoking mouthwatering meats, so, lucky for you, we’ve done the first part for you!

So how do you make friends here at Good Union Urban BBQ, best DFW BBQ? It’s pretty easy really and sometimes even unintentional! After you’ve placed your order at the counter and found your table, you glance over at the table next to you, already served by one of the friendliest waiters you’ll ever run into. The sun is just right on the tray and there it is, what you really meant to order, a rack of slightly blackened ribs half smothered with your favorite barbecue sauce. A quick glance at your neighbor’s face tells you what you already know, melt-in-your-mouth nirvana! Now that’s a conversation starter!

Just when you were thinking, maybe I should have ordered the ribs… your waiter calls your attention to your own food, and you are reminded of what you’d been thinking. There it is - a loaded spud with cheddar cheese melting everywhere, smokey bacon, sour cream and chives and the best-looking stack of chopped brisket still smoking. The aroma alone tells you, you made the right choice! And the side of smokehouse beans dotted with more chunks of brisket only makes it better!

You’ll be back for the ribs or maybe brunch tacos, and more good times with new friends. It’s just a fact, the best DFW BBQ is meant to bring people together. Eat meat. Make friends. Meet again next week, same place, same time. It’s that simple.

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